Needle Rocket, August 2010
Greetings Fiber Lovers,
We hope this finds you well and deeply involved in a number of projects involving yarn. Of course, we are in the middle of several, like…
A knitted market bag…a cashmere/lace mohair scarf….sling purses with beaded trim…. a felted stick-horse head…a completed pair of socks!
Things are hoppin’ here in the purple house. We are loving our kitchen to make cookies and punch for Fun Fridays. Our project table is small, but works beautifully for lessons and knitting circles. The pink flamingoes are happy in their front yard with the FLOWER BED.
We have new fun yarns from Pagewood Farms with felted flowers, yarn bouquets and “fuzzy purls”. Each skein can be knit or crocheted into a fabulous scarf in less than two hours! We also have kits from Pagewood Farms for needle felting silk scarfs or unique embellished yarn. Needle felting is fun, fast and really easy for one-of-a-kind garments and accessories. If you haven’t tried it, come by and check out what we’re doing.
needle felted silk scarf Mary’s Handspun bouquet scarf
Beaded Trims are the newest addition at Needle Rock……trims for purses, belts or scarves…even curtains and lampshades. Let your imagination run with these fun embellishments. Our button collection has expanded as well including Australian shell, handmade Czech glass buttons and wooden toggle buttons.
Believe it or not, it’s time to think about the holidays! We have new patterns for holiday decorations, Santa dolls and Christmas stockings…not to mention gift ideas for everyone on your list. Let’s try to avoid the December panic of knitting all night long to finish the gifts.
We are starting a new campaign for our blog followers this month. Every week or two we will post a special sale only on the Needle Rock blog. You may then call or email us to take advantage of the special. Let us know how you like it.
Speaking of sales, our triangle loom is for sale. The 7’ adjustable loom comes with 2 shed sticks, a weaving pick and locker hook and instructional DVD. The matching wooden stand is custom made for the loom. The regular price for the loom and stand is $935, and it is now on sale for $550 plus shipping. This is a great opportunity to own this fun and fascinating weaving tool.
Needle Rock Calendar of Events:
Tuesdays, 7-9pm: Knit Nite. Bring your project and join in our lively discussions and “group therapy”. Free
Fridays, 11-1: Open knitting circle. Join us at the kitchen table for stitchin and visitin. Free
August 16-21st: Knit along with us. We’ll be knitting a “top-down” sweater in adult or toddler size. $20 will buy instruction and help all week.
Wednesday, Aug 18th, 4-6pm: Bulky Cable Hat class. Learn to knit in the round and knit cables for a quick winter hat. $15
Thursday, Aug 19th and Aug 26th, 3-5pm: Our ongoing Sock Class…start a new sock or get more instruction on your current pair. $15 per session.
Monday, August 23rd and August 30th, 4-6pm: Beginning Knitting Class. $25 per session.
Let us know what you want to learn….felting? entrelac? spinning? Colorwork? We’ll set up a class for you.
Rock on out there!
Ginger and Ann
Needle Rock Fiberarts
NEW: 320 W. Colorado Ave.
P O Box 1963
Telluride CO 81435