Our springtime "liquid?" sunshine.

Our flamingoes welcome you!

Soft stuff...

Sock Central + The Baby Grande wall

What was once a bedroom is now host to the Mirasol wall, with all the Miski (baby llama), the Sulka (Alpaca, wool & silk), the K'acha (Merino, Suri Alpaca & silk) & our newest Mirasol line, Nuna (Merino, Silk & Bamboo) - looks bit like candy, eh?

Here's a glimpse @ the beginning of Maddie's Corner - our baby & washable yarns area - it's a work in progress, just like Maddie herself!

No baby area would be complete without a cradle, so ours is filled with the Bebe Cotsoy - a local's favorite for all things baby.

Needles, needles & more needles have exhausted Gus.

Our ever popular Brown Sheep display is jam packed & Amy's ladder continues to be home to our Malabrigo yarns from Uruguay + a few gorgeous multi-fiber kits from Montana's Mountain Colors' gals.

Ann is calling Book Alley the Boat Deck - stop by to see why.

Grandma Ginger the 1st, knit most of this collage that greets our customers - truly works of art & inspiration to us all.

The cozy table in the kitchen is for our in-store knitters - drop by anytime for a cuppa & some projecting!

We love the colors the Baskets of Africa add to the upper reaches of our middle room.