Using the fabuloso Mountain Colors Homespun, Tuesday knit up our Wacky Hat pattern with three i-cord tassles - it's a hoot & folks are coming in the shop saying they've stopped her on the street to learn more about the fun hat! Check out our friend Patty's website, featuring her fantastic yaks - we hope to buy her yarn one day, as she is domesticating her "babies" so their fiber can be obtained more easily than the "hunt & gather" method. These guys are over near Ouray, CO, so our selection of truly locally produced yarn will continue to grow.
What a beautiful yarn to choose for the earflap hat - Brown Sheep's Bulky LanaLoft in Wine Fire. No wonder the extra yardage is getting made into a scarf - too nice to "lose" in the stash pile!
Nice job, Kristina! We won't divulge how long this project has been in progress, but it finished up beautifully with the cabled owls & then cute, cute buttons. This purple person thinks this sweater is as good as it gets - now we just need a model!
Are we a happy group or what? Loomed hats, Entrelac, custom hat w/3 strands of bulky, leg warmers, scarf for mom by new knitter, Tara & enthusiast, Peggy Sue continues with hats for her growing number of grandchildren - another new one last week - congratulations PSR!
Ellie finished off this loomed hat for us & then immediately started another one in red & black. Brown Sheep Bulky is perfect for this project. Sister Maddie also finished one in Kiwi green in very short order - nice job ladies!
Detra made this modern scarf with Plymouth's Poppin yarn. You only need to cast on 9 stitches for this easy and elegant, yet unusual scarf or outfit embellishment.
Ann models the TSC Montana Roving Yarn scarf that is a gift for her sister-in-law. The yarn is barely spun & very eco-friendly, from Italy. We have 5 color options to mix & match - all are natural, no dyes, no bleaches, so some irregularities exist, but it's gorgeous & quick to knit up on Sz. 13 needles.